Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Am I ready for Google Interviews?

I have been preparing for the Google Interview for 4 weeks. I spent most of the time on coding and algorithms following the Cracking-the-Coding-Interview (V5).pdf. After I finished the book, I wonder "Am I ready to send my CV and ready to take interviews?" Following this thought, I list down the key criteria for interviews and how well prepared I am right now.

Criteria 1: Coding (using Java)
1.1: Coding style [DONE]
I found the Google Java coding style here: https://google.github.io/styleguide/javaguide.html
a) correctly use spaces
b) use functions to make code more readable.

1.2: Coding speed
There is no good way to speed up coding in 1 week, especially when I cannot use any IDE.
So, just keep practice.

1.3: Code readability
I found one website that I can read and comment others' code here:

1.4: Know Java
I found this place great. Spending spare time on this website and check whether I know the topics in the website.

1.5: Know the coding environment
Google Document

Criteria 2: Algorithm

2.1: Searching and sorting algorithms

Bubble Sort
Insertion Sort
Selection Sort

Merge Sort
Heap Sort
Quick Sort

Counting Sort
Radix Sort

2.2: Hash tables
Linked List
Initial Capacity
Load factor
Hash function

2.3: Trees
InOrderTraversal -> Stack + Pointer p
PreOrderTraversal -> Stack + Right & Left
PostOrderTraversal -> Stack + Stack
LevelTraversal -> ArrayList + ArrayList

Pre + In -> Recursive + Map of In
Post + In -> Recursive + Map of In
Pre + Post -> No unique Tree

Balanced Tree
Black-Red Tree
R*-Tree & R+-Tree

Breath First Search
Depth First Search

2.4: Classic computer science problems
Graph Shortest Path: Dijkstra and A* Algorithm

Knapsack problem:
  • 0-1 knapsack problem: Dynamic Programming with v[I][W]
  • bounded knapsack problem: displace all values;
  • unbounded knapsack problem: 
Traveling Salesman Problem:

Minimum Spanning Tree:prime算法、kruskal算法

2.5: Theory of Computing
Big-O for space and time
Master theorem

Criteria 3: System Design
3.1: System Definition 

3.2: Rough calculation of system requirement

3.3: Communication skills

3.4: Solutions: Data Storage, Data Processing Framework, Hardware, GUI

3.5: Features sets, interfaces, class hierarchies

Criteria 4: Interview Hints
4.1: Talk through your thought processes.

4.2: Ask clarifying questions if you do not understand the problem or need more information.

4.3: Think about ways to improve the solution you'll present.

4.4: Show an interest in Google products.

Criteria 5: Training Interview
5.1: https://leetcode.com/

5.2: glassdoor

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Machine Learning Algorithms (Good Summaries in Web)

Here is a cheat sheet that shows which algorithms perform best at which tasks.

2. A Tour of Machine Learning Algorithms

Different meeting

1. Team meetings

Prepare the list of updates:

2: Team briefing

3: Negotiation
A: I accept that
B: I reject that
C: Another option is that ....

4: Project Introduction Meeting

5: Brainstorm meeting

6: Meal-time meeting

7: Project Scope Meeting

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Machine Learning Some Maps

A number of maps that will help to reconstruct the knowledge of Machine Learning ...

1. Classic Machine Learning

2. More detailed

3. Data Mining

BESOM: A Cerebral Cortex Model based on Bayesian Networks
DeSTIN: a scalable deep learning architecture that relies on a combination of unsupervised learning and Bayesian inference
DP: Dynamic programming

DPM: Dirichlet Process Mixture
EM: Expectation–maximization algorithm

HDP: Hierarchical Dirichlet process
HMM: Hidden Markov Model
HPYLM: Hierarchical Pitman-Yor Language Model
HTM: Hierarchical Temporal Memory
iHMM: infinite Hidden Markov Model
MCMC: Markov chain Monte Carlo
NPYLM: Nested Pitman-Yor Language Model
SOINN: Self-Organizing Incremental Neural Network
SOM: Self-Organizing Map

5. Another View

Sunday, 9 August 2015

Statistical Distribution REview

1: Why Distribution?
  • Distribution reflects a STRONG PATTERN in the DATA!!
  • In some cases, Patterns are more important to study then DATA itself.

2: What is Distribution?
  • Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)
  • Probability Mass Function (PMF) 
  • Probability Distribution Function (PDF)
Common Distributions and When to USE:
3. Normal Distribution
  • If a variable depends on a large number of independent non-dominating parameters, the variable tends to follow Normal (Gaussian) Distribution. e.g
  • Measure noise
  • Human heights
  • Exam grades
What is like? [Two parameter distribution]

Standard Normal Distribution: N(0, 1)

4. Uniform Distribution
  • Each value in X has the same possibility.

5. Exponential Distribution (Continuous)
  • model the waiting time for the next event to happen, e.g.
  • the next vehicle passing a line
  • bank service time duration

6. Geometric Distribution (Discrete)
  • Fail times util success Once, similar with Exponential
7. Binomial distribution (Discrete)
  • Try N times and success K times
  • When  N -> INFINITY, it becomes Normal


8. Poisson Distribution
  • Counts of random events, e.g.
  • number of phone calls received one day

9. Chi-2 Distribution

X1^2 + X2^2 + X3^2 + ... + Xk^2
Xi ~ N(0, 1)



10. F-Distribution


11. T-Distribution

Sunday, 12 July 2015

Apple: Notification Program

1. Register an Apple Developer ID
     149 A$ per year
2. Build the development environment.
    iOS: 8.2
    XCode: 6.4
3. Develop a server-end program that outputs notifications.
example code:
public static ArrayList<String> tokens = new ArrayList<String>();
public static File keystore_file;
public static String keystore_password = "hongyu";

public static void init() {
keystore_file = new File("DemoCertificate.p12");

public static void sendAnAlert(String message) throws CommunicationException, KeystoreException, JSONException {
PushNotificationPayload payload = PushNotificationPayload.complex();
payload.addCustomDictionary("key1", "Value 1");
List<PushedNotification> notifications = Push.payload(payload, keystore_file, keystore_password, false, tokens);

4.That's ALL.

Sunday, 21 June 2015

Machine Learning Course 14 Study Log (Recommendation System)

Little emphasises in Academic but large in Industry:
(2) Context-based Recommendation System
