Sunday, 21 June 2015

Machine Learning Course 14 Study Log (Recommendation System)

Little emphasises in Academic but large in Industry:
(2) Context-based Recommendation System


Saturday, 20 June 2015

Machine Learning Course 11 Study Log (Clustering)






Machine Learning Course 13 Study Log (Anomaly Detection)

(5) Anomaly V.S Regression: Key: Is there enough historical data?

(8) Find the correct set of attributes is the KEY for detection
(10) The beauty of MG

Friday, 19 June 2015

Machine Learning Course 10 Study Log (SVM)

(1) SVM Continued
Kernels & Gaussian Kernels in SVM
(4) Kernels & Gaussian Kernels

(5) Gaussian Kernels
(6) SVM with kernels


(8) SVM parameters C and Lamda 

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Machine Learning Course 9 Study Log (Advice for Applying Machine Learning)

(1) Complexity of Models
(2) Regularization

(3) Data Size



(9) Rare Class

(10) Two Measurements