Saturday 19 April 2014

Banking Industry Categories

Categories of Bank
1. Commercial Bank
1.1 Retail bank (consumer banking or personal banking)
    Customer: Individual, make them rich.

  • Checking and savings accounts
  • Mortgages
  • Credit cards
  • Automobile financing
  • Foreign currency and remittance services
  • Insurance
  • Private banking 
  • Wealth management
  • Trust service
  • Payment services
1.2 Corporate bank (business banking)
     Customer: company, make them rich.
  • Loans 
  • cash management services
  • Equipment lending
  • Commercial real estate
  • Employer services
  • Trust service
  • Payment services
2. Investment Bank

  • Traditional investment banking 
  • Asset management
    • (insurance companies, pension funds, corporations etc.) or private investors (both directly via investment contracts and more commonly via collective investment schemes e.g., mutual funds)
  • Trading and principal investments
    • "dealer" transactions (MAJOR PROFIT)
    • "broker" transactions

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