Monday 1 September 2014

System Design & Analysis (4) SCATS

SCATS® (Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System) is an adaptive urban traffic management system that synchronises traffic signals to optimise traffic flow across a whole city, region or corridor.

1) developed in Sydney, Australia by former constituents of the Roads and Maritime Services in the 1970s.
2) about 34,350 intersections in over 154 cities in 25 countries use the system. For example:
    Singapore: GLIDE
    Canberra "CATSS" (Canberra Automated Traffic Signal System)
    Melbourne "SCRAM"
    Perth "PCATS"
3) SCATS is already a recognised worldwide market leader in intelligent transport systems.

Development Platform:
1) It is a distributed system. Intersections are connected over PAPL, ADSL, PSTN.
2) Data is collected from loop detectors in intersections.
3) Signal time planing depends on real-time collected data. (Adaptive) The process happens in local PCs.

Project Target:
1) Provide an adaptive and comprehensive signal control application. 

Key Concepts:
1) Interval
2) Phase
3) Phases (Phase Organization)
4) Signal Planing (Phase Timing)
5) Sub-System (Master Signal & Slave Signal)
6) Priority Vehicles (Dynamic "Phase Organization" or Dynamic "Phase Timing")

Since it is a command system, there is no GUI.
AN example control panel:

Recent Updates:
SCATS is recently deployed in New Zealand, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Amman, Tehran, Dublin, Rzeszów, Gdynia.

Yes, SCATS is a very successful system.
Designed in 1970s, even older than Windows, SCATS is still widely used in cities.

The success is based in:
1) SCATS succeed to implement its project target. 
2) SCATS is extremely stable.
3) No competitors.

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