Tuesday 5 January 2016

Design User System


  • Log in/out
  • Register/Remove
  • Update
  • Forgot Password


  • No of Users
  • No of Peak users
  • Frequency of operators

Database (User Table):

  • long userID; P_KEY & Index
  • string userName; //max length as 50
  • string hiddenPass; //Not revertible and not easy to break using a brute force way (e.g. Hash).
  •                               //On-side encryption is not a good idea.
  •                               //Encryption with private key is still used (e.g. SSH).
  • int status; //activated? ban?

In Memory:

  • class User {
    • long userID; //P_KEY
    • string userName;
    • string hiddenPass;
    • int status;
  • }

  • class Session {
    • long sessionID; //P_KEY
    • long userID;
    • int devideType;
    • long timeOut; //ms
  • }

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