Tuesday 26 August 2014

Professional Research Engineer

I like the role as a "Research Engineer". It feels like the role gives me opportunity to do both research and software engineering. Then, how to behave as a Professional one? 

This is the To-Do and Not-Do list. Just for my first Job.

1) To-Do
    A: Do what I believe and then Attitude of making it happen.
    A: Transparency, openness and genuineness.
    B: Save others' time and efforts.
    C: Take notes of my promises. That's a BIG mark.
    D: Aim to be professional: both in hard skills and soft skills. Professional to teammates, not friendly to teammates.
    E: Build trust and respect in career.
    F: To open and aware.
    G: keeping track of career accomplishments.
    H: Learn from teammates.
    I: Be easy to work with.

2) Not-Do
    A: Multi-tasking too much, or Not-prioritizing
        Long-term Targets
        Short-term Works, like: meetings, talks and reports.
    B: Complaining
        Optimistic and Solving
        Release angry on things, not on people.
    C: Making promises you can’t keep !!!
         Be serious! Save my own time !!! 
         Trust is more important than promises.
    D: In charge of others' business.
         Think about Dhinesh. Do not do that, please.
    E: Afraid of mistakes.
         Everyone made mistakes, calm down and avoid the same mistake.
         Take the responsibility only if it is my mistake.
    F: Over-work
         It always (90%) does not solve the problems.

Finally, Rules above all, Be Confident and Positive.

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